31 March 2010
Into the Night
The cool night air weaves through my blinds in the dark. The distant sound of the spring peepers, calling to one another, is heard. Calling for a lover. The full white moon slowly slides across the sky. The thin sheer curtains flutter in the breeze. This breeze carries a message. It is filled with flowers, birth and the warmth ahead. I lay nestled in my nest of cotton sheets and a duvet. I hear spring, only a quiet whisper now. A mother bird lets out an alarmed chirp. The sound of silent wings passes in the night. Perhaps she is looking for a worm? I know where the worms hide, underneath my flower pots. Downstairs, I know my four little hermit crabs are dancing. Dancing in the warm humidity of their habitat. They know spring is coming. In the dark they whisper of the change of tides and flowing sands. It is only a matter of time until the orchestra of spring begins....
hermit crabs,