14 May 2012

Simple Ones: Easy Tomato Sauce

Simple Recipes

Savory Tomato Sauce

No BPA is always a Plus!

Several Tomatoes: your choice- roma, hydroponic, organic, beefsteaks
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp himalayan salt or sea salt
1 tsp basil (fresh or dried)
1 tsp oregano (fresh or dried)
Couple spins of fresh ground black pepper

Wash tomatoes with all natural soap and water to remove residues and pesticides. Cut up tomatoes into slices. About the size you'd put on a sandwich. Put tomato slices into a pot with the water. Cover and reduce down on medium low heat (4 if you stove follows numbers) until soft like stewed tomatoes. Make sure the water was absorbed into the tomatoes or has evaporated off. Remove from heat. In a blender or via use of an immersion blender, blend & pulverize the tomatoes into a sloupy paste. Stack a colander or strainer over a bowl. Pour the liquidized tomatoes into the strainer/colander. The bowl will capture tomato juice. The strainer will capture the marinara. In a bowl, stir in seasonings and olive oil. Can be canned or poured into a glass container and frozen or refrigerated.