30 April 2010

My Name is Magola, You Killed My Forest-Prepare to Die!

I'm so tired of dinky zip lock bags. Sure they're great. But taking a lunch includes about 5 or so them each day. bleh! When I worked at the tree place, this girl made a "wrap-n-mat-esque" sandwich holder. It was pretty neat. She could throw it in the washer or dishwasher to clean it. Let's think about it though: sandwich needs a bag, pickles need a bag, carrot stick needs a bag, peeled orange needs a bag, crackers come pre-wrapped and so does luna bar. Pretty soon I'll be arriving in bubble wrap to complete the plastic disaster. So today in honor of ARBOR DAY please reconsider your plastic usage!! Those jelly sandles you're wearing- yeah those too are not so hot for the environment. If you've got any knowledge on how to sew a stitch here's how to make a simple sandwich holder.


If you don't- you can buy a few and use them instead of plastic bags!

Has them for fairly cheap!

Top that off with a reusable canvas carry-all bag and you're packing heat lunch!!

28 April 2010

Bodies are Art

I, personally, feel that the human body is a beautiful art form. It is complete with curves and colors, textures and shadows. I was 16 yrs old when I saw a truly lovely nude painting. I had been to museums and such as a kid but none of those nude sculptures or art seemed to really pique my interest.

The picture was set against a light forest green that complimented the fair alabaster skin-tone of the subject. She wasn't thin or fat- rather plump. Her brownish-red locks were pulled back into a messy bun. I asked my friend about the painting and she carelessly wrote it off as, "oh that's my grandmother". From then on, I've always thought how poignent it would be to have a nice leather bound photo album of classy nudes of myself. I would want the prints to have some black and white ones, sepia ones and color ones. Lighting would be a key element.

Its not because I'm creepy or have a strange nudity fetish but I view the human body as beautiful. Too much taboo has been put on the body. Many people are ashamed of their beauty and are not allowed to expose it. Its not right.

I may pursue this hope of mine someday. I think it would be something nice to look back on when I am older.

19 April 2010

Chemical Elimination in My Life

My goal to go 98.2% chemical free has been achieved! Here are the places I have stopped using mainstream chemicals (be inspired, very inspired!)

FromToVinyl Shower Curtain- Washable cotton shower curtains

Tide laundry detergent- Charlie's Soap (Biodegradable and natural)

Bounce Fabric softener- Ecover Fabric softener

Basic hand soap- Dr. Bronners diluted with water

Cheapie Joy lemon dish soap- Planet Dish soap

Bath and Body works soap- All natural goat's milk or homemade soap

Coco butter lotion- Extra Virgin Organic Coconut oil non-refined

Colgate Toothpaste- Tom's of Maine whole care toothpaste

Dove Deodorant- Kiss My Face Peaceful Patchouli

Lysol Toilet Bowl cleaner- Bon Ami (cost .88!)

Ajax or Scrubbing Bubbles- Bon Ami/ Baking Soda

Lysol Wipes-Ecover Lemon Cleaner diluted with water

Cascade Dishwasher soap- 7th Generation Dishwasher soap

Angel soft poo paper- Marcel 100% Recycled TP

Dove Shampoo- Pure Life Soap Co Rosemary Shampoo

Pond's Face lotion- Burt's Bees Pure Radiance with spf 15

Body Lotion- Pure Life Soap Co. Aloe Vera Lotion

Bleach- Bleach Alternative/ Chlorine Free Bleach

Disinfectant- Vinegar

Perfume- Pacifica Vegan perfume or E.O

Mr. Bubbles Bubble Bath- Epsom salts and essential oils

Listorene Mouthwash- Sea salt & peppermint E.O

It is really not difficult to remove a lot of mainstream toxins. I have been slowly eliminating them over the course of a year. I don't want to be a chemical cesspool anymore. If I can't read the ingredients, I look for something else. Do you know what you're dumping on your skin?

16 April 2010

Blades of Grass

So it seems that the pollen has been attacking everyone pretty badly. Luckily, I'm not allergic, but my nose is working overtime to rid it of pollen. This weekend should be nice and sunny. I'm excited about that. I had really wanted to go hiking or something but I can't seem to get anyone together. Maybe I can convince my lover to go along.

Still need to clean the effing gum out of the dryer. grrrRAR....very angry.

Plan on doing a little bit of cleaning up around the house. Somehow it falls to shambles during the week. Probably play some old skool video games, do a little food shopping, mingle with society, you know-the uze.

I still need to buy an under tank heater for the crabitat. I think they like it alot. I certainly do!

Not too much to say. I'll prolly take a power nap when I get home. Staying up late zaps me. Zzzz

Dreads From August to Current

Dreads From August to Current

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13 April 2010

Some Endings, Some Beginnings

Well today is my last day at Icing. I'm alright with that. Now I'll have my weekends open again where I can do laundry, clean up, hike or kayak. I wasn't getting enough hours (4hrs/week) and I figured earning $1500 a year at one job is pretty unreasonable. Maybe I'll sell some of my handmade earrings online....

I don't know if I've already said this, but I sewed a really cool dress that I wore for easter. I bought the material from Walmart; 5 yards for 5 dollars! It is dark green with black designs. It have a side hidden zipper with a black satin ribbon at empire waist. The same black ribbon is used in the straps to make a cross-back. I love it. It is very flattering. And if Katie hadn't mentioned it looks like size 13, I probably wouldn't have taken it apart and re-evaluated it.

I did the river rescue last weekend with Canoe and Hiking Club. This is our annual service project-and I love it! Picked up loads of trash along the river and filled our canoe with it. The trash barge-hahah! Then we all ate pizza and beer at Barley's afterwards. It was great fun. Really would love to get outdoors more.

The hermies love their new habitat and personally, I'd get in there too if I could. I'll post pictures later. It has a tidal pool, a hammock filled with shells, 2 food bowls, clean water bowl, climbing vines, coco-huts, a climbing wall and lots of sand. I'd be hanging out in the tidal pool all day if I were a crab. The crab violence has decreased luckily. I was getting pretty stressed out about it. Gotta hit the critter barn soon and get some new family members-anybody want to go with me?

09 April 2010

Luv Me Some Crabs

So I've decided to turn my low key crabitat into a hobby and much larger establishment. I found on craigslist a fifty gallon tank and a ten gallon with a bunch of reptile gear. In total it only cost $50! This was well over $500 of things! I am very excited. The other day my lover bought me a cute little hermit. He named him Colonel Forbin. If you know what that is in reference to- good for you. If not, never mind, you probably will never know. The other crabs had a feely fest with him. They use their little feelers to communicate. The other hermies are coming up on a year of ownership. They can live up to 40 years of age. They are definitely not throw away pets! Their tank is just getting too loaded with things: choya wood, bridge, two pools (salt and pure), 2 coconut halves, 2 large rocks, glo plants and food dishes! Eiy! I've read that when you have more than 6 crabs they create a colony personality. I'm very curious as to how that works.

One dummy crab sat around all day without a shell. I was panicking about this all day. I isolated him for safety. He had molted and probably wanted a bigger shell. Luckily larger shells are coming in the mail. I did coax him into getting in his old shell using the "glass cup method". I was really freaked out that he was going to die.

But needless to say I'm very excited. I'm also very impressed with the set-ups I've seen online. People's crabitats are amazing. I'd like to provide these little crabblets with the best set-up possible. I'm planning on getting a small paint roller tray and make it into a tidal pool. It'll be great.

Oh and by the way: I figured out a way to get that tiny silver nose hoop in last night. I had one nose ring sticking down from the top and was able to guide the hoop in based on the top one. I've had so many problems trying to get this hoop in. I've tried, no joke, 4 times. The last time it swelled so much I couldn't get anything through. But I really like this one and its surgical steel. It seems my nose doesn't like titanium.


06 April 2010


Now that it has been 88 degrees give or take outside the crabitat's temperature is increasing as well. During the winter it was around 65 in the crabitat. Now it is party time for the crabs. I've let them climb the hill behind our house while I keep a stern eye on them. I keep imagining some large bird is going to swoop down and chomp one of them. I emptied their sand and put new wet sand in there, some large rocks and moved things around. Little do they know they're getting a new sibling soon! I asked my lover for a tiny little hermit crab to add to colony. I set up a nice iso tank for it with coconut fiber and nice sand and a little pool. I can't wait!

I ordered them a bridge to cruise over, choya wood, coconut fiber climbing wall, and more shells. One crab refused to resurface. He's been down there for a long time. If he's molting he a crazy one, doing it twice in a matter of months. I found a nice pin oak leaf today and tossed it in their tank. I hope they'll enjoy munching on it.

01 April 2010

Early Rays of Dawn

It is still dark. But the varigated calls of the birds is a choral production. Their songs break the silence of the night ending. Blue-grey rays of light far off on the horizon creep. The air is still cool. The twinkle of the dew drops hang off blades of grass. An unsuspecting grasshopper springs only to become a robin's breakfast. Pink, orange and yellow artfully line the skyline. The sun peeps its sleepy head over the hilltops. A slight breeze tickles the budding leaves and blooms. The air is rich with chlorophyll. Soft, golden beams of sunlight travel through my window onto my sleeping face. Comforting warmth. I open my sleepy eyes....